In this brief podcast, Dr Chris Davis reminds us how political, bureaucratic and corporate intrusions have seriously disrupted good clinical practice, to the detriment of patients and practitioners. Furthermore, AHPRA’s regulatory model is seriously unsuited to the complexities and challenges of frontline clinical practice, resulting in misdeeds and harms to practitioners, with practically no accountability for such outcomes.
The World Medical Association clearly articulates the importance of a strong independent role for the medical profession in its regulation, in the best interest of citizens. The only way this can and must be achieved is through determined, courageous and united action by our profession.
On 3 May 2025, AMPS and the ADF are jointly hosting a meeting to examine issues and misdeeds arising from AHPRA’s regulation of the medical profession., providing an important step on our profession’s road to emancipation and implementation of the WMA’s declarations on professional autonomy, clinical independence, and profession-led regulation. Your attendance at the meeting is accordingly strongly encouraged, together with your ongoing engagement in this vital journey.
For further details, please see: Your registration and that of your colleagues represents an excellent investment in your future and the healthcare and productivity of our nation.