Doctors Welcome Recognition Of Young Pioneer Psychiatrist – 28 May 1999

The recognition of the work of the Late Dr Mark Sheldon on remote area psychiatry is an important way of encouraging young doctors to take up the challenge of remote psychiatry, Dr Bruce Shepherd, Chairman of the Australian Doctors’ Fund said in Canberra today.

Dr Mark Sheldon a young pioneer remote outback psychiatrist whose life was tragically cut short by cancer at age 33, was honoured on the first anniversary of his death by the renaming of the Remote Mental Health Service in Alice Springs to the Dr Mark Sheldon Remote Mental Health Service.

A service of thanksgiving, blessing and dedication in memory of Dr Mark Sheldon will be held outdoors in the grounds of the Remote Mental Health Unit of the Alice Springs Hospital at 3:30pm 28 May 1999.

The service will be conducted by the Rev David Hoskins, Chaplin, Alice Springs Hospital.

Dr Bruce Sheldon, Mark’s father, said “It was always Mark’s desire to encourage young psychiatrists to undertake the challenges and demands of psychiatry in remote communities.”

“We hope that Mark’s legacy even in his short life will act as a beacon to young people who have a vision and a belief that they can make a difference in this very under-resourced area of work.” said Dr Bruce Sheldon.

Dr Mard Sheldon’s dissertation “Psychiatric Assessment in remote Aboriginal Communities of Central Australia” is currently being considered for publication by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists.