Former Federal President of the Australian Medical Association and Melbourne GP, Professor Mukesh Haikerwal received his medical education in the UK, followed by a Diploma in Obstetrics in Australia, before establishing a successful general medical practice in Melbourne. He then accepted leadership roles in the Australian Medical Association and the RACGP, where he was awarded an honorary life membership for his service. At an international level, his contribution includes being Director and Chair of the World Medical Association Council, which has 22 members representing 111 national medical associations.

After surviving a near fatal unprovoked assault in September 2008, Dr Haikerwal miraculously recovered and immediately commenced work in the area of youth health, including the provision of services to adolescents with mental illness and related issues. Few would have ventured into this challenging area after such a traumatic experience and extensive neurosurgery.

Mukesh continues to serve his profession as a fearless advocate for the ethical application of IT technology in the area of doctor/patient medical records. His articles and presentations have made a significant contribution to clarifying the critical issues at stake for doctors and patients as a result of government and corporate demand for health data. Always willing to speak up for his profession in any medical forum, it is with great pleasure that the ADF acknowledges Dr Haikerwal’s outstanding service to independent medicine by presenting him with the Bruce Shepherd medal.